The 8th Edition of the Real Estate Transactions Guide, carried out by Veridio in partnership with the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca, is based on the information collected by the City Hall from the sale-purchase agreements concluded in 2020.
In this year’s edition it is observed that at the entire level of the real estate market of Cluj-Napoca, the COVID-19 pandemic had a minor impact, followed by a rapid recovery. There was a higher interest in houses and plots of land, which led to higher prices for these types of properties.
We find that the real estate market in Cluj-Napoca experienced an intense activity in 2020, with real estate transactions of almost EUR 680.6 million, at a similar level with the previous year. However, the value distribution is different, so that land transactions increased by 36% (EUR 31 million), and house transactions increased by 11% (EUR 92 million) compared to 2019.
The value of apartment transactions decreased by 2% compared to 2019, but the average price per square meter of apartments in 2020 increased to 1,477 EUR/sqm, by over 8.4% compared to 2019.
70% of buyers are from Cluj County, but the interest from nearby counties is maintained, so that over 28% of buyers in 2020 come from other counties, and just under 2% come from abroad.
We invite you to find many other interesting details by browsing the pages of the eighth edition of the Cluj-Napoca Real Estate Transactions Guide.
Key Figures 2020 Cluj-Napoca Real Estate Transactions Guide
- The total value of real estate transactions in 2020 was EUR 680.6 million, similar to that of 2019.
- Themostsignificantsharewasrepresentedbytheapartments,with60%ofthetotalvalue.
- The average price per square meter of the apartments traded in 2020 was 1,477 EUR/sqm, 8.4% higher than the average square meter price of 1,362 EUR/sqm recorded in 2019.
- 70% of the buyers come from Cluj county, while almost 28% come from other counties of the country, and less than 2% come from abroad.
Summary of real estate transactions in Cluj Napoca in 2020
Real estate transactions Cluj-Napoca 2020: 8,723 transactions, EUR 680.6 million, of witch:
- Apartments: 5,048 transactions, EUR 406.2 million
- Houses: 498 transactions, EUR 92.2 million
- Plots of land: 617 transactions, EUR 30.9 million
- Other properties: 2,560 transactions, EUR 151.2 million
Real estate transactions of legal entities, 1,480 in total, are included in the Other properties category, accounting for EUR 137.9 million and representing 58% of the volume of other transactions and 91% of the value of other transactions.
Transactions with apartments (2020)
- Number of transactions: 5,048
- Transactions value: EUR 406 mill.
- Traded net area: 275,083 sqm
- Most transactions: area between 35-55 sqm
- Apartments built after 2000: 70% of the value of transactions
- Average price: 1,477 EUR/sqm
Transactions with houses (2020)
- Number of traded houses: 498 houses
- Transactions value: EUR 92.2 million
- Approx. 44% of transactions value: Andrei Mureșanu, Dâmbul Rotund, Iris, Centru, and Europa
- The largest number of transactions with houses: Dâmbul Rotund, Iris, Someșeni, Gheorgheni and Andrei Mureșanu
- Normalized sample: 354 houses
- Transactions value: EUR 66.3 million
- Average land area of a house: 400 sqm
- Average GBA of a house: 170 sqm
- Average price: 1,106 EUR/sqm (sqm GBA, includes the land value)
- Average house price <1990: 1,266 EUR/sqm
- Average house price >1990: 1,073 EUR/sqm
Transactions with plots of land (2020)
- Number of traded plots of land: 617
- Transactions value: EUR 30.9 million
- Over 53% of transactions value: Iris, other adjacent areas, Borhanci, Europa and Andrei Mureșanu
- The largest number of transactions with plots of land: Other adjacent areas, Iris, Mănăstur, Borhanci and Dâmbul Rotund
- Total traded land area: 668,147 sqm
- Most transactions: areas between 500 – 1,000 sqm
- Most valuable transactions: areas larger than 1,000 mp
Local Interest Information (2020)
- Fabricii Street recorded the most valuable transactions (~EUR 27.6 million) and the most numerous transactions (550 transactions).
- The district with the fewest transactions and the least valuable transactions is Făget.
- Most transactions (1,112) were recorded in March. Also, the highest monthly value of transactions was recorded in March, approx. EUR 89.9 million.
- The most frequently traded plots of land were between 500 – 1,000 sqm.
- Apartments with net area between 35 – 55 sqm were most frequently traded.
- The most expensive house traded is located in Centru district, in the area of George Coșbuc Street, and the transaction was completed at EUR 1.3 million.
- The most expensive plot of land was traded in Mărăști district, for EUR 0.5 million.
- Mărăști was the district with the most transactions (1,272 transactions) and the most valuable transactions in 2020 (~EUR 96.2 million).
- The most valuable transaction was concluded by a legal entity and includes a commercial building worth over EUR 5.7 million located in the area of Piața Unirii.
- Acquisitions of legal entities represent 20.3% of transactions value.
- Top 10 most valuable transactions of legal entities account for more than 19% of the EUR 137.9 million traded by legal entities in 2020.
- Approximately 70% of the concluded transactions had a local buyer (Cluj County).
About the Authors
- Project coordinated by Adrian Vascu, Senior Partner Veridio, chairman of ANEVAR 2008-2009 and 2014-2015, chairman of UPLR 2018-2019
- Team: Paul Bândea, Anca Bândea, FlaviusPop, Andrea Săntăuan with the support of VERIDIO
- Photo credits: Victor Petric
About the Guide
The Real Estate Transactions Guide from Cluj-Napoca, a unique project in Romania, is carried out annually by Veridio with the support of the Tax Department of the Cluj-Napoca City Hall. The study is based on official information collected from the sale and purchase agreements registered at the City Hall.
The guide provides data on the volume and total value of real estate transactions, their distribution by type of property (apartments, houses, land, other type of real estate properties), average prices per square meter by districts and globally, at city level, as well as many other relevant figures.
The guide in Romanian is accessible to everyone interested on the official website Additionally, the guide in English is published on the official website